Meals on the Move: Providing Fresh Produce – Directly to Homes or Meal Pick up Sites
In an emergency, much of our work becomes focused on simply getting food to the people who need it. The focus becomes changing someone’s status from “no food” to “has food.” But making sure those meals are nutritious, and making sure they are appealing to the people who eat them, are still important. Luckily, there are many resources, from federal opportunities to local organizations, ready to help you get fresh produce to your communities.
The Benefits
- Health benefits
- Makes meals or meal boxes more appealing
- Often creates connections with local farmers and other organizations
- Fresh produce can be paired with nutrition education opportunities
See It In Action
The Y of Western NC is a perfect example of using fresh produce distributed free through its mobile markets to help eliminate food insecurity. Learn more at and
Checklist: How to Get Started
- A number of organizations focused on creating farm to school connections in NC are great places to start:
How Can Carolina Hunger Initiative Help?
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